Construction and Installation work
Urban construction and engineering supplyEngineering preparatory servicesEnvironmentAgrocultureMining and industryConstruction and Installation work
Construction and installation work of water distribution line-1,2 and water distribution branch line-1,2 of the second source of drinking water in Dalanzadgad soum.
Customer:Umnugovi aimag, Governor's Office
Location:Dalanzadgad sum, Umnugovi aimag
Implmented date:2024
Construction and installation work of the treatment plant expansioin Khanhongor soum, Umnugovi aimag.
Customer:Umnugovi aimag, Governor's Office
Location:Dalanzadgad sum, Umnugovi aimag
Implmented date:2024
Construction and installation work of flow-regulating reservoir near the Emt’s chute channel for the purpose of protecting Arvaiheer soum from floods.
Customer:Governor office of Uvurkhangai Province, Land Relations, Construction, and Urban Development Authority of Uvurkhangai Province
Location:Uvurkhangai Province, Arvaiheer soum
Implmented date:2024